Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Meet Hurricane Bells. A featured artist on the New Moon Original Soundtrack. He's indie, he's new, and he's someone you should listen to right now!

First, listen to some track off of his MySpace
second, Become A Fan on Facebook
then while you're listening to The Winters In New York on repeat
read the interview he gave to Entertainment Weekly then
finally hop on over to a Live Journal's Twilight community lion_lamb and post questions you want him (Steve, the guy behind Hurricane Bells) to answer. Read his interview that he gave them here. (They used some of the questions I asked! Woot!)

I've done this, and so should you. Trust me. He's pretty good.

On a completely non-Twilight related rant...

Why the hell is it always so friggin' cold in coffee shops?! I'm @ Coffee Bean right now sucking on my second tea and using their free Wi-Fi because, mysteriously, my house is the only house on the block to not have power. No lights. No internet! Gasp!

The hell with that, so I packed up my laptop and headed down here. I had to check the Twi blogs (my life revolves around Twilight...even in my non-Twilight related rants it finds a way in).

I'd go outside where it's a balmy 72 as opposed to this 63 degree refrigerator but there's a bunch of posers smoking inside. Thanks, but no. I've got about an hour before they close. I can hang in there. Must blog!

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